Wednesday, March 4, 2009


have you ever noticed that when you want silence you never get it. but when you get it you do not want it. for the last two weeks give or take my dads dog has been in heat and my dogs has wined, cried, moaned, barked and generally put up a ruckus. now I got a dog because I was lonely and I felt the house was to quiet the funny part is that you would never know I have a dog because normally he is so quiet only when my dad is around does he make noise at that time I have company and I do not need noise
but it is not just me the people I know who are young get excited to get away from the
"kid noise" to go some place quiet and relaxing. the older people I know get out of the house to get some noise and "be around some Young people" .
At the doctor's office the other day two very sweet 90 somethings were following around this young woman with a 3yr old and a 9mo old. Just could not leave them alone "listen to him talk... listen to her giggle..." the young mother was very good to the elderly people thank heaven.
I know I am not the only one this effects this is just another one of those things we wish for but can not have. My mom used to quote a poem when I was a teenager called "man fool" I can not remember the poem but it was about this very thing. Man always wants what we can not / do not have a cold day in the summer or a warm day in the winter
who cares about silence enjoy the ruckus!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

what a wonderful day

have you ever had one of those days that are just so so and all of a sudden it is like wham a gift from god falls in your lap and a prayer so old that you forgot you prayed it is answered. well that happened to me to day. I am sitting in the public library using the free Internet and I get an email reconnecting me to someone I thought I had lost life is all that. I hope everyone reading this receives a special blessing today.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I am having trouble with the internet please stay posted

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

my dog

I do not remember dogs being this hard. You would think that the older you get the easier it is to know what you want out of a dog but I clearly did not. I had to have a dog that was smart, playful, small, and did I say smart. what I got was pig headed, hard to catch, small, and hard to train. The worst part is that I really love him so I have a hard time correcting him. I am the "TYPE" that would spank my kids (in Walmart) if I had any. But spanking an animal is out of the question. They can not grow up and do mean things back like never visiting with the grand kids or not change your depends all day. Anyway I watch the dog whisperer (religiously) but I am lost on the "energy" thing I try to be calm assertive but he still barks every time my dad moves (he is terrified of daddy since we brought him home).
This dog will chew up anything he can steal and boy howdy can he steal. Mj has five left slippers we have no idea where even one right slipper is. he has stolen my watches, rings, books, glasses, jewelry and anything he can find on my night stand that he can fit in his mouth. No stuffed animal is safe anywhere in the house he will climb for them. I have found him on the TV in my room because I had a stuffy on a dresser that is over 5ft tall next to it. I keep checking him for wings but I have not found any "yet".
Last night he had a taste for electronics Mj's mini-mouse, leather laptop bag,and portable DVD player was on the menu. I can not afford to replace any of it. What to do? what to do? NO I will not get rid of him. What I do not understand is he will go for two or three days just as good as an angel and then his horns pop out and then for a week the only sound I hear is his full name over and over. I am told by my 2 best friends that maybe I should kennel him at night and when I am gone but I do not know if I can imprison him again. The first 7months of his life was spent in a 3x5ft cage. He was freaked out by grass the day I got him because he had only ever felt cement under his paws. If you have any tips please pass them on because I love him very much.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

quick intro

hello everyone this is our family blog to keep you all updated on what is going on with us